Understanding Common Breastfeeding Problems

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When you have a new baby and are at the initial stages of getting a good breastfeeding routine and relationship started, it's easy to feel frustrated and worried when you hit a bump in the road, particularly in the first couple of weeks after your baby is born. Because breastfeeding is natural, it's easy to think you won't encounter any problems with your milk supply and that your baby will latch right away with no issues. However, there are some common hurdles to be aware of for the health and safety of both you and your newborn. Here's an overview of a few common breastfeeding problems:

Inverted Nipples

Having flat or inverted nipples can make it a bit more challenging to get breastfeeding established, as your baby may have trouble latching and this can lead to your developing painful, cracked nipples. However, it's still possible to breastfeed successfully and there are a few techniques that can help your baby latch well, such as compressing your areola while feeding, using an electric breast pump to enlarge the nipple before feeding your baby and wearing a nipple shield to help your baby to latch.

Low Milk Supply

Milk supply tends to increase naturally with demand, but there are a number of factors that can interfere with milk production, such as some health conditions, and leave you unable to produce enough milk to meet your baby's needs. In the early days of breastfeeding, there are steps you can take to boost your milk supply, such as pumping between feeds, staying hydrated and massaging your breasts.  


Your breast tissue can become inflamed due to a blocked milk duct and bacteria can cause an infection. This condition, known as mastitis, causes breast pain, localised redness and a fever, and you will likely feel that breastfeeding is the last thing you want to do. You should see your doctor if you have symptoms associated with mastitis, as you will need antibiotics. You can still continue breastfeeding during treatment, and this is important if you want to keep your milk supply up.

If you're experiencing any issues with breastfeeding or if you're anxious about breastfeeding, consider talking to a lactation consultant. They can help you determine the cause of the problem you're experiencing and will work with you to develop a plan to overcome issues and get a healthy breastfeeding relationship established between you and your baby. 

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How Home Health Care Can Help You to Recover If you have recently had surgery, you are likely to be starting out on the road to recovery. That road can be very long. I know, because last year I had surgery on my brain to remove a tumour. Once the surgery was over, I spent a few days in the hospital before being discharged and sent home. I was lucky enough to have home health care coverage on my insurance, which means that I got daily visits from the nurse. Without this help, I don't know what I would have done. Now I am back to full-health, I decided to start this blog.


